short film, 4 min, found footage and photography, colour, stereo, de/en short film,16:9, colour, stereo, 3:30 min, NYC 2017 idea, directing, editing, camera, sound mixing: Betül Seyma Küpeli:

“In the infinite luminescence, my eyes blur and I glimpse the void.”

"Hypertransparent" had its world premiere at the Schikaneder Movie Theater Film Festival in 2018 in Vienna. The experimental short film presents a critical reflection on the concepts of transparency, identity, and artistic representation. The film combines visual and auditory elements to examine the effects of digitization in our world.

The visual concept revolves around light as the primary element, aiming to address the fragility and ambivalence of the transparency society. The light serves as a symbol, representing the disclosure of the self in the transparency society, where individuals tend to willingly unveil their personal thoughts, feelings, and actions. Simultaneously, it also alludes to the staged and often superficial portrayal in the media. By deliberately abstaining from concrete visual depictions, the film raises questions regarding the reproduction of images and the saturation of visual stimuli. It explores self-presentation, the power of images, and self-perception. "Hypertransparent" invites the viewer to engage in contemplation, exploring the profound impact and implications of transparency in our contemporary digital society.

The film's soundtrack, composed electronically, is crafted from a multitude of voices extracted from various sources. This auditory landscape creates a tense atmosphere, emphasizing the contrasts between the desire for control and the critical examination of the transparency society.

The concept of the transparency society by Byung-Chul Han highlights the tendency of individuals to subject themselves to constant surveillance and control.